./ ../ CV - Rémi Giraud

Curriculum Vitae


Guest Editor
Special Issue in Signal Processing: Image Communication on Computational Image Editing
    Deadline for submission: January 15, 2020

[Web page]

Reviewer for International Journal and Conferences
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)
Internation Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI)
International Workshop on Patch-based Techniques in Medical Imaging (Patch-MI, MICCAI)
NeuroImage (NIMG)
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP)
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TM)
Medical Image Analysis (MEDIA)
Image and Vision Computing (IVC)
Signal Processing: Image Communication (SPIC)
Pattern Recognition Letters (PRL)
Remote Sensing (RS)
Visual Computer (VC)
Signal Processing Letters (SPL)
Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (JECE)
Neurocomputing (NEUCOM)
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIIM)

Julien Walther   (PhD student, University of Bordeaux, IMS)

From Oct. 2024

Subject: Deep Learning Models from Structural Image Representations

Eloi Navet   (PhD student, University of Bordeaux, LaBRI)

From Oct. 2024

Subject: An AI Assembly for the Prediction of Neurological Diseases

Edern Le Bot   (PhD student, University of Bordeaux, LaBRI)

From Oct. 2022

Subject: Holistic Segmentation of Brain MRI by Artificial Intelligence

Matthieu Vilain   (PhD student, University of Bordeaux, IMS)

From Jan. 2021

Subject: Semi-supervised Deep Learning for image sequences

Corentin Seutin   (Intern, 2nd year University of Bordeaux, LaBRI)

May-Aug. 2024

Subject: Study of metrics for precise segmentation of brain structures on MRI

Adrien Aguila-Multner   (Intern, 2nd year ENSEIRB-MATMECA)

June-Aug. 2023

Subject: Deep learning on irregular image low-level representations

Lisa Weisbecker   (Intern, 2nd year ENSEEIHT)

June-Aug. 2023

Subject: Deep learning on irregular image low-level representations

Pierre Pavia   (Intern, 3rd year ENSEIRB-MATMECA)

Feb.-Aug. 2022

Subject: Deep learning on irregular image low-level representations

Sohaib Errabii   (Intern, 2nd year ENSEIRB-MATMECA)

June-Sep. 2021

Subject: Deep learning of object spatial relationships

Zaid Zerrad   (Intern, 2nd year ENSEIRB-MATMECA)

June-Sep. 2021

Subject: Transformers for computer vision

Baptiste Bénard   (Intern, 2nd year ENSEIRB-MATMECA)

June-Sep. 2021

Subject: Deep learning-based image colorization

Maëlle Andricque   (Intern, 2nd year ENSEIRB-MATMECA)

June-Sep. 2021

Subject: Deep learning-based image colorization

Otávio Jacobi   (Intern, 2nd year ENSEIRB-MATMECA)

June-Sep. 2020

Subject: Deep learning on graphs for image processing

Arthur Longuefosse   (Intern, Master 2 University of Bordeaux, Image and Sound)

Apr.-July 2020

Subject: Dual irregular under-representation for image processing

Shanshan Zhao   (Intern, Master 2 University of Bordeaux, IPCV)

Jan.-July 2020

Subject: Deep learning from structural image representations

Daniel Bravo   (Intern, Master 2 University of Bordeaux, IPCV)

Jan.-July 2020

Subject: Deep learning-based fusion of multi-modal data

Merlin Boyer   (Intern, 3rd year ENSEIRB-MATMECA)

Feb.-Aug. 2019

Subject: Matching algorithms for irregular structures

Rodrigo Borba Pinheiro   (Intern, 2nd year ENSEIRB-MATMECA)

June-Sep. 2019

Subject: Segmentation and classification of raw radar videos

Nathan Lichtlé   (Intern, L3 ENS Paris Saclay, Computer Science)

June-July 2018

Subject: Superpixel methods for color transfer

Enzo Peruzzetto   (Intern, Master 1 University of Bordeaux, Computer Science)

June-July 2018

Subject: Fast style transfer between images

Benjamin Thibault   (Intern, Master 2 University of Bordeaux, Image and Sound)

Feb.-June 2016

Subject: Patch-based methods for medical image segmentation

2018-   ...
Associate Professor at the ENSEIRB-MATMECA school of engineers
Electronic department

Assistant Professor at the ENSEIRB-MATMECA school of engineers
Computer science department

PhD in Computer Science on Image processing. University of Bordeaux
Funded by the Cluster of Excellence CPU

Master 2 in Signal and Image processing. University of Bordeaux
With honors


ENSEIRB-MATMECA at Bordeaux (Bordeaux Graduate School of Telecommunications)
Speciality Numerical Communications and Signal and Image Processing
With honors. Top of class

Preparatory Classes (CPGE) in Maths and Physics for the entrance examination to French engineering schools, at Lycée Descartes, Tours, France