Intra-region (R) descriptor extraction with an offset to the superpixel borders
Interface (I) descriptor extracted at triple superpixel intersections to capture structure information
Dual SuperPixel (DSP) containing I and R descriptor sets in a superpixel neighborhood (superpatch)
Generalized framework able to compare both intra-region and structure information between two superpatches Si and Sj: D(Si,Sj) = α.d(Ri,Rj) + (1-α).d(Ii,Ij)
Multi-scale framework
Automatic rescale to compare DSP at extracted from different radius sizes
Ability to capture patterns at different scales using rescale (green lines):
Fast DSP matching using approximate nearest neighbor algorithm
Dual SuperPatchMatch (DSPM) algorithm using SPM with the proposed DSP descriptors
DSPM is a partly random matching algorithm relying on the propagation of good matches based on the adjacent superpixels
The same image is segmented by two methods and the superpixels are matched using standard superpatch (full region information) and the proposed DSP,
containing both cropped intra-region and superpixel interface information
DSP (α=0.5) provide much more accurate matching since they explicitly consider structure information in a dedicated interface descriptor
The displacement between the matched superpixels is illustrated with the standard optical flow representation
Quantitative results
Validation on exemplar-based superpixel labeling experiment similar to the one used in SPM on the LFW dataset [2]
Comparison of DSPM to state-of-the-art methods on labeling accuracy:
G. Huang, et al.: Labeled faces in the wild: A database for studying face recognition in unconstrained
environments Tech. Rep. 07-49, Univ. of Massachusetts, 2007
A. Kae, K. Sohn, H. Lee, and E. Learned-Miller: Augmenting CRFs with Boltzmann machine shape priors for image labeling IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2013
S. Liu, J. Yang, C. Huang, and M. Yang: Multi-objective convolutional learning for face labeling IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2015
R. Giraud, V.-T. Ta, A. Bugeau, et al.: SuperPatchMatch: an Algorithm for Robust Correspondences using Superpixel Patches IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2017