./ ../ Research - Rémi Giraud



Job Offers


PI: Pierrick Coupé (CNRS)

PI: Pierrick Coupé (CNRS)

PI: Nicolas Papadakis (CNRS)

Some downloads

Superpixel toolbox

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Contains basic Matlab tools and functions to handle superpixels:      
  • Simple functions to get superpixel borders, adjacency matrix, label map, centers, etc.
  • Region filling function to get a label map from contours
  • Color homogeneity evaluation metrics (explained variation, intra-cluster variation)
  • Regularity (circularity) and respect of image objects (achievable segmentation accuracy) metrics

Simple PatchMatch 2D implementation

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Contains basic C-Mex implementation of a 2D PatchMatch with a MATLAB wrapper:      
  • Simple implementation of 2D patch matching between two images A and B
  • Function to rebuild an image A from the selected patches in B

Simple patch-based inpainting implementation

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Contains basic C-Mex implementation of a 2D patch-based inpainting with a MATLAB wrapper:      
  • Simple implementation of the famous Criminisi's inpainting technique
  • Priority queue for processing patches, search and copy of the closest patches in a neighborhood


PhD thesis template

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Contains a non-official template for PhD thesis
     (with biblio, annexes, backref, glossaries, etc.)

Beamer presentation template

Download here

Contains a template for beamer presentation (PhD defense, seminar, etc.)
     (with biblio, annexes, animations, hyperlink, progress bar, etc.)